Ward and Papst win TTZ Austin Wednesday



TTZ Austin Wednesday- 10/5/16

Date: 10/05/2016

Teams: 6

Anglers: 11

Pl Angler 1 Angler 2 Fish Big Bass Weight Prize Bonus
1 John Ward Waylon Papst 3 3.62 7.06 $110 Big Bass $30
2 David Castillo Jay Ashbaugh 4 0.00 5.67 $70
3 Sam Morrow Andre Morrow 3 0.00 4.44 $0
4 David Hicks Mark Acker 0 0.00 1.67 $0
5 Justin Mathews Robert Machol 0 0.00 0.00 $0
5 Anthony Ribera 0 0.00 0.00 $0
1st and Big Bass - Hammer Brothers with massive 7 pound bag

1st and Big Bass – Hammer Brothers with massive 7 pound bag



Skeeter boats







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