TTZ – Austin Wed Night 6/24/09


16 teams fished, 5 teams weighed in and 3 places were paid.

LCRA was definitely flowing water this evening but it didn’t seem to help the bite much. This was one of the slowest nights we’ve had in a while with only six boats coming back to the weigh in. It was definitely another scorching evening out there with water temps as high as 84 degrees on the lower end.

Several teams reported the bite was good early with one or two small keepers in the boat within the first few casts. There were also lots of small fish caught during the first couple hours, but after the proverbial switch was turned off the bite died with it. Dale and Jake found their fish early and still on beds in the upper end of the lake. Jake caught the team’s largest fish of 4.19 pounds which anchored their 13 pound sack and rewarded them with first place and Big Bass of the tournament.

Second place went to a newcomer who just moved down from Denver, Colorado. Jeff also caught his fish early and mentioned pulling four of his five keepers off of one brush pile sitting in 6′ of water. This was only his third time fishing Lake Austin but Texas fishing is nothing new to him; Jeff has fished the Bass Champs Southern division for years and feels right at home on lakes like Amistad, Choke Canyon and Falcon.

Eric and Andy had the only other limit of the night and finished third with just over seven pounds. The team ran to six different holes to scratch out their modest limit with the majority of their keepers coming from the lower end.

Despite our three teams in the money fishing different patterns and areas of the lake, there was one thing in common – Yamamoto Senkos accounted for every fish that made it to the scales. Catching five keepers is not often an easy task on Austin and when conditions are this tough a limit, albeit small, goes a long way. Thanks again to all that came out and hope to see y’all next week!


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